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Oracle Simphony POS
Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

Your menu should be already all set and ready to go with this integration. This article just highlights a couple key points on managing your menu and things to keep in mind.

When a you make any changes to your menu in your POS menu as per the below, the changes need to be manually synchronised by you (or Order Up! support) by re-importing the menu for the respective location.

  • Product or attribute price changes

  • New products

Things to know:

  • Order Up! only support integration with Oracle Simphony POS version 18.2+

  • No support for loyalty program currently

  • Menu Import function not fully automated. Once, the menu is imported, attribute items should be assigned to the Products and categories manually.

  • Your endpoint (provided by the you) can serve up to a maximum of 8 revenue centres

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