You are able to print your order dockets at the time of the customer's pre-order being placed as well as soon before the order ready time.
1. Print when the pre-order is submitted - activating this setting will allow all pre-orders to print at the time the order has been placed by a customer.
For example, if an order has been placed on the 3/11/21 at 10:30am as a pre-order for 5/11/21 at 7:00pm this order will print out on the date the order was placed.
2. Reprint pre-orders closer to production - This setting is only available to clients using an OrderUp! printing device. whatever the prep-time is at the time. Activating this setting will allow all pre-orders to reprint on the day of collection/delivery. The docket will reprint based off of the current prep time being used in the system.
For example, pickup prep-time is set to 20 minutes, a pre-order for 5/11/21 at 7:00pm will reprint at 6:40pm based off of the current 20 minute prep-time.
Note: The reprint pre-orders closer to production setting is not available for integrated systems.