Promo Box Pop Up

This feature allows you to get a message out to your customers. Whether you are launching a coupon code, deal or just want to let them know what's new with you, this a great way to communicate from your platform.

This allows you to have a promo that will launch (per store) after selecting that store and either skipping to menu or starting a cart.

It will only show once per session.

It works on desktop and mobile.

It can be a text message or a graphic.


How to setup



  1. Select Promotions from under Specials. You will need to select the store you want to adjust the promo box for if you haven’t already.

  2. You will be given an option to enable/disable the promo box


3. You can switch between an Image or text promo

4. If selecting Image you can pick the image to upload to the system


Recommended Image Sizes:

  • Rectangular Size: 650px x 400 px

  • Round Size: 500px x 500px

Image format: JPEG or PNG



5. If selecting Text you can then add a Title and Message to show on the front end.


How does it display on desktop



Text version



Image version


How does it display on mobile




text version