What do I do if the printer's dockets aren't clear?

This article is to assist anyone facing the issue where the paper in the device is coming out blank, without printing any order on it.


Docket Blank

  1. Check whether the paper you are using is in fact thermal printing paper.

  2. IF you are using thermal printing paper and the dockets still come out blank, the paper might have not have been set properly in the machine.

  3. For smaller devices (V2's) the paper roll should come from the bottom of the roll, where as for the larger devices (V8), paper should be coming from top of the roll.

Docket Text Faded

If the text on the docket appears faint or faded, then the print head may be unclean.

  1. Try gently wiping the print head (pictured below) with a soft damp clean cloth. Just be careful as it may be hot.