What can be customised on the new User Interface (UI)?

Whilst not everything can be changed, we can customise the options below. Please email us at: support@orderup.com to make these changes for you.

1. Logos


1a. Header Logo


1b. Method Option icons


1c. Desktop Logo 

1d. Mobile Logo 


2. Colours


 Only primary & secondary colours are customisable 


2a. Primary Colour controls 

Primary Button Colours: Category buttons, Shopping cart buttons, Checkout pay buttons, Ingredients options buttons and add buttons. 

 Highlight Text: “Edit”, “Add Promo Code” 


Primary colour also controls the font colours when you select “Guest” & “Login” below 



2b. Secondary Colour controls the button background of secondary buttons such as “Login & Guest”, “Select Location”, “Edit” and “Add promo code” 



3. Fonts


 Only category names and product names can be customised to different fonts 



4. Imageries


Category image: 1200px x 300px 


Desktop hero image: 1920px 1080px


mobile hero image: 1920px x 1080px


5. Product view list  OR   Category view list display for Mobile only.


5a. Product view which shows the categories across the top horizontal view:

"Starters, Oven Cooked, Salads...." 



5b.  Category Display View - showing list of categories in vertical form.

Category backgrounds can be block colours OR with images. (Click HERE are the instructions to adding category images) 



6.  Pre-Order time intervals

The options are  5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes. 





 What cannot be customised? Commonly asked questions: 



1. The button font colours, system default is white:  




2.  Methods button colours, system default is white:  


3. Platform system background: Default is white 



 We have dark mode, but the dark background colour cannot be customised