How can I request a refund? (OU Payments users only)

If you are using OU Payments, you can request a refund through your OrderUp console.

1. Go to the OU console and navigate to the HELP section of the left hand navigation bar, press on Request Refund.


2. You will now see a form, that you will be required to submit, please fill in the following details:

  • Which Store Location will be giving the refund?
  • What is the email of the customer? (you can find out this information in the Customers tab of the OU console)
  • What was the Cart/Order number of the customer to which you are refunding?
  • What is the amount to be refunded?
  • What is the reason for refund? (e.g. incorrect order, missing delivery etc.)

3. Once the form has been completed, press on Submit and our team will handle the rest.


NOTE: Once your refund has been processed by our Accounts team, you will receive a confirmation email you provided on the refund form along with the orders details and link to your receipt. Refunds are processed within 1-2 business days. OU will refund your customers credit card. Funds will appear in their account within 5-7 business days

Order Up does not reverse Order Up fees and charges related to orders successfully processed through it’s ordering platform.
Examples where Order Up would NOT reverse a charge may be:
  • Customer placed two orders for the same amount
  • Customer ordered from the wrong store
  • Customer changed their mind after the order was placed
  • Items ordered were not available and store had not switched them off